so much things happened this past few days... but i'll be starting off with dearest saturday...
okay... as you may all know... saturday is our korean classes... of course... it was fun being with YOU JIE NOONA (respect for older sister in korean)... everything went normal... met up with noona in simei... she ate korean food... and after that went to popular and buy all our korean files... whatever... whatever... whatever...
rode the mrt... for the first time never sat down... while we're both stood up in the mrt... we of course gossiped about dearest DONG BANG SHIN KI HYUNGS (respect for older brothers in korean)... we laughed and giggled like hell... oh yah... we also practiced our korean oral... all vocabularies... i revised dearest noona cause she's currently having a hard time studying korean DIPTHONGS (not the underwear okies...)... for me... dipthongs are really confusing... even i... sometimes... having a hard time reading it especially when it appears in KOREAN SONGS... KOREAN BOOKS... KOREAN SENTENCES AND PARAGRAPHS...
thank goodness in kallang... we had the chanced to sneaked out and sat comfortably... after that me and noona decided to rest our mouth... and listened to dearest DONG BANG SHIN KI 동방신기 SONGS again and again... as always... noona was carried away with all the songs... felt so deep in love... BUT SHE'S REALLY INTO HER YUNHO OPPA AND SHE'S CRAVING FOR HIM SO SO MUCH (it's a good hint for her next birthday present... try to bring yunho hyung...)
yahoo... at last... finally reached lakeside mrt station (imagine simei to lakeside... 1 hour trip... hayz) so yah... but it's korean class... we never regret travelling so far... luckily for noona... it didn't rained that day... so her WHITE SHOE NEVER KANA WET AND COVERED WITH MUD... the breeze was really overwhelming... however... IT WAS REALLY SCORCHING AND THE SUN ABLAZED OUR SOUL SO MUCH!!! so noona decided to take a cab... eventhough it was just a 10 minutes walk from the mrt station...
this is the funniest part... we waited for 10 minutes... and all the taxis were all hired!!! see... poor thing noona... she was really pissed off in all the taxis in lakeside... cause everytime we're there... there were no available taxis (it's been 3 weeks straight!!!)... so instead of wasting our time... i told noona we should better walk... cause at least the breeze was some sorth cooling... so yah... we walked... and while we walked... i tried ro cheer up dearest noona BY SINGING DONG BANG SHIN KI 동방신기 SONGS AND IMMITATING THEIR DANCE MOVES LIKE I WAS SHOOTING A MUSICAL VIDEOS... i sang at the top of my lungs... and finally noona laughed at me when i copied all the voices of DONG BANG SHIN KI 동방신기... of course all the passer-by's looked at me and smiled... cause obviously... the loved my angelic voice (NO VIOLENT COMMENT!!! CAUSE IT'S OBVIOUSLY TRUE!!! ^^)...

obviously on the way to lakeside towers...

see??? noona somewhat pissed off already...

no signs of happiness noona!!!

very boring right??? hayz... so yah... class... class... class... obviously... our teachers and some students was still eating their lunch eventhough we decided to come late... hayz... so yah... after that... it's one on one time with me and my two 21 and 20 year old teachers...
at that time... i was really in the mood... cause i revised my korean conversation... hence... MY TEACHERS TOLD ME THAT MY KOREAN WAS REALLY GOOD AND EVEN THE INTONATIONS WERE ALL CORRECT... THEY'RE VERY AMAZED AT ME EVENTHOUGH I'M NOT FULLY KOREAN... ^^
so i was so contented so so much... however... everything changed when they gave me a song in korean calligraphy... and told me try to memorize most of the lyrics... so they played the song once in their iPod and speaker... but to admit... everytime i sing korean song or japanese song... it is in romanized version... so obviously... I HAD A HARD TIME READING THE SONG SO SO FAST... and didn't sang it properly... i know i wanna pursue singing career... but imagine... to memorize the song for what 5 minutes... in a foreign language some more...
so my teachers decided not to sing the song but to read it out loud... as i was saying just now... the song was full of dipthongs... and i had a hard time reading some dipthongs... omgfaggot... i was really embarassed... some more i was alone and got two teachers infront of me... looking at me closely... it was like 'O' LEVEL KOREAN ORAL EXAMINATIONS!!! pressure... pressure... pressure... i got my first scolding from my teachers... not really scolding but they talked quite loudly that you jie noona can hear it outside our room... it putted me in bad mood... so after going through 3 times... i somewhat can read faster and clearer... hayz... so after our class i apologized in korean "MIANHAMNIDA NOONA... MIANHE..." (i'm very sorry older sister... sorry...) but they just laughed and said that it was okay... no need to apologize... so that's the time i spoke respectful korean words... first time ever!!!
so we had bible class... read... read... read... explain... explain... explain... then after the bible class one 22 year old guy teacher... well i call him HYUNG as well... for respect... hyung talked to be about JESUS and what the word HOLY truly means... so yah... first time... i read the HOLY BIBLE in korean... but at the same time read the english version as well... since HYUNG had a hard time reading the english version... i volunteered to read it myself... so read... read... read... pray... pray... pray.... then after everything... you jie noona's teacher... you jie noona... ME... and hyung talked about korea... everything... the living system of korea... everything...
so yah... we finally went home... and i bathe and took a nap afterwards... but in the evening... we went out... but that'll be a new blog entry...
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