unfortunately... my smart sister went there before me... so what can a "GOOD" brother can do??? of course to get super duper over JEALOUSED about it... when my sis were packing all her non-sense stuffs... and i was just looking at her (so so jealoused)... i was like wanting to pack my things as well and get a KOREAN VISA (yeah... you heard me right... for us filipinos... we need a visa before we can go to korea... but singaporeans... nah... no need... so you can all slack and just buy ticket... the rules so biatch... WHY ARE THEY DOING THIS TO ME!!! cruel world!!!)... but of course... i can't follow because it's a study trip...
anyways... to cut the loooooooooooooong story short...
eventhough i was super jealoused about the korean trip of my sis... i'm still happy for her (not to metion that she's a korean fanatic as well)... but also because she really deserve it after being in the DIRECTOR'S LIST IN HER COURSE IN TEMASEK POLYTECHNIC...
so here are some pics of my sis' sojourn in korea:
departure from singapore going to korea...
orean HANBOKS (한복)!!!

EVERLAND THEMEPARK!!! famous shooting place in KOREAN DRAMAS (Princess Hours, My Girl, Coffee Prince and many more...)
whatever PALACE in south korea...
of course... KOREAN FOOD... BIBIMBAP (비빔밥)!!!
eventhough i was jealoused in my sister... I MISSED HER SO SO MUCH WHEN SHE WAS AWAY... ohhhhh shittttt... i forgot that she has a blog as well... and she can read this... okay fine... i'll take back all these words... ahahaha... shut up... funny issit funny issit (khim's angry funny issit tone)...
but really... it's true that I MISSED HER SO SO MUCH WHEN SHE WAS AWAY...
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