anyways... last week... i woke up so early everyday... even saturday... you know guys that i have korean classes every saturday... however... we all got an additional task to do... and what is it??? our CIP in school... we cleaned pasir ris beach... we're still quite lucky because it was near to our school and near to my house as well...
unfortunately... we went to the beach all by ourselves... NO free transport by the school... well... actually... they offered us to have a bus... but since... our dearest class... only got 27 people... we just denied their deal... cause we need to pay $4 each just for the transportation and of course it's not so practical to waste $4...
so yah... i woke up 6am!!! and it's a record breaker... then went out by 7am... walked briskly because dearest bal... midzi... and nad... was waiting for me... so we rode bus 12... listened to our iPods and mp3s... until we've reached pasir ris interchange... sadly... dearest CELIA was absent that day... so we're all sad about it... why??? cause celia... is super duper fun to be with... no dull moments if you're with her... promise!!! midi and celia tandem... super duper burst into laughter...
there... the fun began... we're all starving to death so we decided to eat in old chang kee... then slacked at mcdonalds... and for the first time... me and dearest midzi shared LARGE MILO DRINK!!! most of the time we both drink individual LARGE DRINK cause we're always starving to death or thirsty like hell... so yah...
some unavoidable incident occured that until now affects me so so much... (but i'll blog about it later for further details)... so yah... WE'RE FREAKING LATE FOR OUR CIP!!! time check that time... 8:15am... and we need to report by 8am actually... and we waited for the bus so long... hayz... luckily... i was with dearest bal... midzi... and nad... AND THEY BROUGHT SO MUCH JOY TO MY LIFE THAT TIME!!! okay... we rode the bus with dearest IFAH AND WAN (her bf) AND WAN'S FRIENDS... so double the fun inside the bus... everyone was EAST SPRINGIANS btw...
we reached our destination at last... and everyone was there except of course our class... every class lined up so well... and we started to clean the beach... i was partnered with dearest midzi!!! HURRAY!!! i mean... if you biatches do not know why i am so happy with midzi... cause HE'S ONE OF A KIND BACKSTABBING FAGGOT YOU COULD EVER IMAGINE!!! no lah... midzi is one of a kid person that is super duper funny like hell and you will fart and burp already and also would shed your tears when he's making a joke... so yah... that's midzi...
anyways... we "PICKED" up so many litters around... here and there... after sometime... dearest YANYAN AND AMSYAR came at last!!! as always... yanyan... super duper gorgeous when she came... we slacked down into one shelter at the beach... gossip... gossip... gossip... talked... talked... talked... blabbered... blabbered... blabbered... but there was some breaks as midzi had a great idea...
MIDZI: why don't we just collect trash from the trash bin???
GAB: oh yeah ah... clever boy... i mean... girl... i mean whatever it is...
MIDZI: of course lah (flicked his hair)...
so yah... we decided to open up all the trash bin we saw... and IT WAS VERY VERY VERY VERY SMELLY AND DISGUSTING!!! there's one trash bin that has beef and all some more!!! EWWWWWWWWWWW!!! and amsyar was with us as well... omg... since amsyar don't have any plastic gloves... we picked all the trash for him as well... so in short... double suffering...
poor gorgeous midzi... he was so serious during the CIP that he almost kissed one trash bin... (i actually shot a photo of him but he asked me to delete it... so yah... hayz... no evidence...) but i salute midzi for that...
that's all... trash bin and stuff... we looked like karung guni (if the spelling is right) that day... after the CIP... we still need to go back to school on our own... so yah... we went back with all our friends to school... very tired you know... some more... i was not in the mood that time after collecting TONS AND TONS OF GARBAGE under the scorching sun...
so yah... went back to school... and met up with joye... because after everything... we went into our korean class... but that's another blog entry... ^^
here are some pics... i forgot to take photos with dearest bal... midzi... and nad... hayz...

whatever happens... VANITY is always with me okay... ^^

dearest mrs. june lee... our social studies and geography (last time) teacher... she's one of a kinf funny funny funny... picture... ^^
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