we're not expecting that a scorching day would turn out to be a rainy day... i mean... not only a rainy day but super duper flooded day for OUR SHOES AND SOCKS!!! yah... you heard me right...
when we left simei... everything was okay... me and you jie gossiped a lot in our favourite korean boy band... DONG BANG SHIN KI 동방신기... yah... in school... you'll see you jie being a quiet and smart taiwanese girl... but when you go out with her... everything changes... she's super duper talkative... like a machine gun that would not stop... i mean... for our dearest classmates... it is hard to imagine you jie like a machine gun... but yah... and she was over hyperactive especially when we're practicing our korean language... THAT"S WHY I TREASURE HER SO MUCH AND CAN'T STOP LAUGHING WHEN I'M WITH HER... and she knows a lot more than i know about DONG BANG SHIN KI 동방신기... like she watched youtube and other fan sites 24/7 nonstop... but overall... she was different in school and outside school... everything... i mean she looked so gorgeous... literally...
anyways... the point is... and the main story of this blog... omg... i'm writing so fast that i'm commiting tons and tons of typo errors... you can't blame me being so excited... biatches...
where was i??? oh yah... when we reached chinese garden... drizzles of rain suddenly appeared out of nowhere... so i told you jie that we'll be taking a cab from lakeside to lakeside towers... however... we're so petrified to see that the little cute drizzles of rain suddenly turned to be BIG DROPLETS OF RAIN AND THE RAIN WAS NOT RAIN ANYMORE BUT STORM THAT CONQUERED THE ENTIRE WEST SIDE OF SINGAPORE!!!
reaching at lakeside... we pursued our plan to take a cab... ahahaha... shut up... only i can laugh in my sickening experience yesterday... unfortunately... dearest GOD... punished us... every cab that passed through was all HIRED!!! yah... imagine we're soaking wet eventhougn we have umbrella... that was how we received free shower bath from nature... since there was no taxi and we waited for almost 30 minutes (our shoes a bit wet)... we finally decided to have a smart plan to just walk because the lakeside towers is not that far from lakeside mrt... so yah... we walked eventhough it was raining...
however... our SMART PLAN DIDN'T TURNED OUT TO BE A SMART PLAN AT ALL... me and you jie faced the wrath of rain... we encountered BIG PUDDLES... MUD... AND OF COURSE THE RAIN TORTURING OUR BAGS!!!
but for me... it was kinda okay... but for you jie... she was really pissed off but at the same laughing because i don't care eventhough i walked through the big puddles... however... you jie... WEARING A WHITE LOW CUT CONVERSE SHOES... suffered from intense MUD ATTACK!!! her shoes was covered with some bits of mud... POOR YOU JIE!!! for her to cheer up i sang so many DONG BANG SHIN KI 동방신기 SONGS... it helped a lot because she's trying her best to sing korean and japanese songs with me...
after all the suffering we faced...we finally saw lakeside towers... i tell you... after seeing the two towers erected on the ground... WE BOTH RAN LIKE HELL!!! we took the lift... and before we knock on our korean school... we cleaned up ourselves in the staircase... removed our socks... and squeeeeeeeezed our socks... our shoes... collected so much water that it can supply water for singapore... so we walked bearfoot infornt of our korean school and knocked... everybody was looking and gave us the face of "WHY ARE THEY SOAKING WET???"
instead of being so frustrated and whatsoever... me and you jie just laughed like there's no tomorrow!!! and i think that's a good way to end such traumatic experience with rain!!! so we just continued with our korean class... back to our normal-selves... oh yah... btw... you jie is in beginner class and i was in intermediate/advance class... so we did different stuffs during the 1st and 2nd korean lesson... but we both are having fun and will still continue our korean class every saturday...
here are some pics what i did during our 2nd korean class:


ME (wearing HANBOK) and LEE SUN YOUNG (my korean teacher)

ME (wearing HANBOK) and LEE SU JI (my korean teacher)
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