anyways... i'm sick again... i dunnoe for what reason... but it all started last week... but it got so worst yesterday... got cough... colds... sore throat... yah... THE BIG TRIO... you may say that it's a small thing... but unfortunately... for me... it's a big thing already... why??? cause i can't believe that eventhough i'm taking vitamin c regularly and consistently... my immune system is still weak... for goodness sake... i don't want to be absent again for being sick as i'll be wasting time for my revision for preliminaries... which is like reality check... 5 days from now???
i really dunnoe how suddenly i become so sick... but whatever happens... i'll do my best to attend school everyday... XIAH JUNSU 시아준수 AJA AJA FIGHTING!!!
yah yah... i know... i should be resting instead of typing so fast in this blog entry... but i can't help it... i can't sleep at all... whenever i lie down in my comfortable bed and pillow... ATTACK OF THE COLDS is happening... whenever i turn my body to left side or right side... it follows... AND IT'S SO ANNOYING!!! worst is that when i turn my body in the center... my air passage is all blocked... hayz... and it happened since yesterday night... i don't want get SLEEPLESS NIGHTS ANYMORE!!! naaaaaaah aaaaaaaah...
hayz... okies... i think mommy went out of their room... so better type slower or else she'll hear the tick-tacking noise of the keyboard and she'll gonna be a busy body again... and would definitely blabber "I THOUGHT YOU WERE SICK??? I WON'T ALLOW YOU TO BE ABSENT TOMORROW CAUSE NOW YOU CAN WASTER SUCH VIGOR!!!" okay okay... don't wanna hear any complains anymore... i just can't get the point of my dearest FAMILIA MI AMOR!!! yah... i know... they're just concern about my health and i already knew that since when i was born... but whenever i'm sick and i sleep or rest in my bed all day... they all scold me that i'm lazy... and that's the main reason why i get sick most of the time... cause no exercise or whatever... then if i watch tv or read books... they also scold me... and now... their reason you may ask??? i should get some rest and do not strain my eyes... or else the sickness would get worst... waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa... i can't get the logic... hayz... the only time they never blabber anything is when i study eventhough i'm sick... hayz... and yah... that's what i've done this past few days... nice right???!!! seriously... they never opened their mouths and complained... oh my goodness gracious...
well... tomorrow... i mean later... school would tend to be so draggy... cause all of our subjects would be double periods... imagine that... and after school... YOU JIE NOONA... would go to our house... i'm gonna teach her social studies... and after that she'll gonna teach me physics... then after that DONG BANG SHIN KI CRAVING TIME 동방신기... craving time includes listening to songs... watch music videos and stuffs... and of course gossip about dearest DONG BANG SHIN KI 동방신기... then after that... erm... oh yah... gonna talk to noona about her problems... well... hopefully we can all manage to do that before 6pm sharp...
hayz... fine fine... type so much... and luckily mommy never entered my room to blabber something... phewww... you may say that i've been lucky... oh my goodness... having headache now and i hate it... i can't concentrate well in my words... better rest now i guess... hopefully later's gonna be a brigther day for everyone...
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